Rug cleaning service

Spokane, WA

Rug Sanitizing

Rug Steam Cleaning

Rug Dry Cleaning

About Us
We are a professional cleaning company based in Spokane, Washington. We specialize in residential and commercial cleaning services, including house cleaning, office cleaning, carpet cleaning, window cleaning, and more. Our mission is to deliver high-quality cleaning solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients in the Spokane area.

Rug Sanitizing

Our rug sanitizing service effectively eliminates odors, bacteria, germs, and allergens from your rugs. We use specialized cleaning solutions and techniques to neutralize odors and sanitize the rug's fibers, creating a cleaner and healthier environment in your home or business.

Rug Steam Cleaning

Our rug steam cleaning, also known as hot water extraction, provides a deep and thorough clean for your rugs. Using hot water and specialized cleaning solutions, we inject and extract dirt, dust, allergens, and stains from the rug's fibers. This process effectively removes deep-seated dirt, revitalizes the appearance of the rug, and is suitable for most rug types.

Rug Dry Cleaning

With our gentle and low-moisture rug dry cleaning method, we ensure a safe and thorough cleaning for delicate and antique rugs. Using dry cleaning solvents or powders, we lift and absorb dirt and stains from the rug's surface, leaving it clean, refreshed, and preserving its natural beauty.

Oriental Rug cleaning
Oriental rugs are exquisite, handcrafted carpets originating from the East. They feature intricate designs, vibrant colors, and are woven using natural fibers. Known for their durability and cultural significance, Oriental rugs add warmth and elegance to any space, making them highly valued and sought after.
Persian Rug cleaning
Persian rugs are exquisite handwoven carpets originating from Iran. Known for their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and exceptional craftsmanship, Persian rugs add elegance and cultural richness to any space. Highly sought after for their durability and artistic value, they are considered timeless works of art.
Antique Rug cleaning
Antique rugs are cherished treasures from the past. These rugs, often handwoven with meticulous craftsmanship, have stood the test of time. With unique designs and patterns, they showcase the artistry and cultural heritage of their era. Antique rugs add character, beauty, and a sense of history to any space, making them highly prized and sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.

The principal differences between rug cleaning and carpet cleaning lie in the methods, tools, and specific considerations for each type of textile.

  1. Methods:
    • Rug Cleaning: Rugs are usually smaller and more portable compared to wall-to-wall carpets. Rug cleaning can involve both onsite and offsite methods. Offsite cleaning often involves specialized equipment and techniques tailored to the rug's material and construction, such as immersion washing, steam cleaning, or dry cleaning. Onsite cleaning may include vacuuming, spot cleaning, and gentle surface cleaning methods.
    • Carpet Cleaning: Carpet cleaning typically involves wall-to-wall carpets, which are usually fixed to the floor. Common methods include hot water extraction (steam cleaning), dry cleaning, and encapsulation. Steam cleaning involves hot water and detergent sprayed onto the carpet, followed by extraction of the dirt and moisture. Dry cleaning methods often use chemical agents and minimal moisture, making them suitable for carpets that can't withstand water.
  2. Tools and Equipment:
    • Rug Cleaning: Specialized equipment such as rug wringers, flatbed washers, and rug dusters may be used for thorough cleaning. Additionally, gentle brushes, compressed air, and specific cleaning solutions are employed based on the rug's material and construction.
    • Carpet Cleaning: Carpet cleaning machines, such as steam cleaners and dry carpet cleaning machines, are commonly used. These machines may have various attachments for different carpet fibers and pile heights. Additionally, carpet cleaning often involves pre-treatment solutions to loosen dirt and stains before the main cleaning process.
  3. Cleaning Agents:
    • Rug Cleaning: Cleaning agents used for rugs may vary depending on factors like material, dye stability, and potential for shrinkage. Mild detergents, enzyme-based cleaners, or specialized rug shampoos are commonly used, along with solutions tailored to specific stains or odors.
    • Carpet Cleaning: Carpet cleaning solutions typically include detergents, surfactants, and solvents designed to break down and remove dirt, oils, and stains. These solutions may be applied directly to the carpet or mixed with water for use in steam cleaning machines.
  4. Special Considerations:
    • Rug Cleaning: Rugs often have delicate fibers, intricate designs, and fringe details that require special care during cleaning. Additionally, the risk of color bleeding or shrinkage must be considered, especially for antique or handmade rugs.
    • Carpet Cleaning: Wall-to-wall carpets may present challenges such as heavy soiling in high-traffic areas, stubborn stains, and odors trapped in the carpet padding. Professionals may need to use specialized treatments and equipment to address these issues effectively.

In summary, while both rug cleaning and carpet cleaning involve removing dirt and stains from textile surfaces, the methods, tools, and considerations differ due to the specific characteristics of rugs and carpets. Rug cleaning tends to be more specialized and tailored to individual pieces, while carpet cleaning focuses on larger, fixed installations. 

  • Deep and thorough cleaning that goes beyond regular vacuuming.
  • Expertise and experience in handling different types of rugs.
  • Restoration of the rug's beauty and prolonging its lifespan.
  • Time and effort-saving, allowing you to focus on other tasks.
  • Convenient on-site service provided by professionals.
  • Cost associated with professional cleaning.
  • Time considerations for the cleaning and drying process.
  • Potential limitations for certain specialized treatments.
  • Minimal risk of damage to rugs, although rare.
  • Need for research to choose a reliable service provider.
  • Spokane, WA, USA
  •  Monday-Friday 7am-10pm
A: Professional rug cleaning services have the expertise and equipment to effectively remove dirt, stains, and allergens, extending the life of your rugs and maintaining their beauty.
A: Recommended every 12 to 18 months, depending on factors like foot traffic, pets, and overall cleanliness.
A: They use various methods, including steam cleaning and dry cleaning, based on the rug type and condition.
A: Reputable services use eco-friendly, non-toxic products safe for rugs, family, and pets.
A: Yes, professionals can handle a wide range of rug types, from Oriental to wool and synthetic rugs.
A: Yes, specialized techniques are used to effectively treat and remove stains and neutralize odors.
A: Clear the area of delicate items and small furniture to facilitate easy access.